Carla DeLaurel

Carla DeLaurel
AffiliationClan Hell's Horses
RankStar Colonel

Star Colonel Carla DeLaurel was the commanding officer of Clan Hell's Horses' Ninth Rangers Cluster, and Bloodnamed warrior of the DeLaurel Bloodhouse, from at least 3145 to 3152.[1][2]


DeLaurel, with the Ninth Rangers Cluster, was based on Winfield as of 3145.[1]

In March 3152, DeLaurel and the Ninth were tasked with taking Malibu in the former Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone, where she found a docile population willing to accept Horses as their new overlords. Two weeks after landing however, an abandoned Reunification War-era fortification was destroyed by a nuclear blast, which also irradiated the southwestern quarter of Malibu City. While DeLaurel was inclined to dismiss the incident as an accident caused by ancient equipment, the local Scientist Caste representatives advised nuclear devices of that era were unlikely to have detonated due to decay, and therefore it should be investigated after 3160 once the radiation had sufficiently subsided.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 168
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tamar Rising, p. 62
