Barahona Militia

Barahona Militia
Affiliation Barahona
Parent Command Independent

The Barahona Militia protected the world of Barahona when it declared independence from the Outworlds Alliance.[1]


Barahona suffered from numerous pirate attacks that cost the population precious resources - parts, food and water that they couldn't afford to lose. The population appealed to the Outworlds Alliance government on Alpheratz repeatedly for assistance. But after months of appeals with no response, they gave up on the government and banded together to try and mount some form of resistance against the raiders. Rejecting the Outworlds Alliance government in 2846, it was in June of that year that they had their first opportunity to defend their homes, with the arrival of a Lance of pirates calling themselves the Star League Wendigos. The Barahona Militia ambushed the Wendigos at Barahone Reservoir on the 2nd of June, with all the forces they could assemble; a five-'Mech Lance of MilitiaMechs and modified IndustrialMechs, a Lance of light armor and several platoons of infantry. The pirate lance of four 'Mechs - a Phoenix Hawk, a Firebee and two Stingers - were attempting to fill a couple of water transports from the already badly depleted reservoir when the Militia launched their attack. The pirates were caught completely by surprise at the sheer ferocity of the militia attack, and only one was able to escape back to their DropShip. The surviving pirates were captured and subsequently executed. The victory came at a step cost however as more than half of the Militia members had died during the fighting or were mortally wounded. The Militia managed to cobble together a single functional 'Mech from the salvage of the battle which they incorporated into their forces.[1][2]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Barahona Militia





  1. 1.0 1.1 Scenario: End of Days, p. 2: "Situation"
  2. Scenario: End of Days, p. 3: "Aftermath"
  3. Scenario: End of Days, p. 2: "Attacker"
