Archer Pryde

Archer Pryde
AffiliationClan Jade Falcon
RankStar Captain

Archer Pryde was a trueborn Clan Jade Falcon warrior during the final years of the Dark Age era and the beginning of the ilClan era.


Early Life[edit]

In the crèche, Archer always found creative ways of solving problems, whether through his vast intellect or through physical prowess. At the age of 8, he killed one of his sibkin, the biggest and strongest in the group as well as the most aggressive. Rather than facing him head on, he led the other boy on a chase that ended when the boy ran into the road and was struck by a passing vehicle. He managed to make it to the Blooding without killing anyone else. Despite being the runt of his sibko, Archer succeeded in his Trial of Position through his gifts as a talented MechWarrior and the continued use of his intellect. As he ran past a pack of freeborn warriors on the way to his BattleMech, Archer smiled happily—not the smile of a warrior enjoying combat, but a man amused by the banal. After graduating from his Trial of Position, Archer eventually went on to win a prestigious Pryde Bloodright.[1]

In subsequent engagements throughout his career, Star Captain Archer Pryde demonstrated obedience to the letter of his orders, but interpreted their spirit in the most generous of ways. Lumped into the same category as Galaxy Commander Stephanie Chistu and Star Colonel Khalus Pryde, Archer Pryde's codex was an oblique criticism of the Mongol Doctrine and Chinggis Khan Malvina Hazen's ways.[2][3] A notable example occurred in 3147, when Archer fought against Lyran Commonwealth forces. Rather than pressing his advantage as per Mongol Doctrine by destroying a civilian settlement, Archer opted to prolong the engagement with the enemy. Although he won the battle, he did so at the cost of two MechWarriors' lives and a third being wounded.[4]


When Star Captain Pryde came to Khan Malvina Hazen's attention with his bid to put down a rebel uprising on Zebeneschamali, he commanded a Binary in the Tenth Falcon Talon Cluster of Zeta Galaxy and was stationed on Seginus.[3] Out of concern that the Star Captain had fallen under Galaxy Commander Chistu's anti-Mongol leanings, Khan Hazen dispatched Star Colonel Nikita Malthus, her personal liaison, to oversee the operation on Zebeneschamali.


On 19 April 3151, Star Captain Archer Pryde was assigned to the First Falcon Jaegers under Star Colonel Khalus Pryde.[5]

ilClan Trial[edit]

On the third day of the ilClan Trial, Archer Pryde fought as the Wolves withdrew across Staunton Creek, covering Star Colonel Pryde with his Shrike. After urging the Star Colonel for orders, Archer regrouped with the rest of the First Falcon Jaegers to hold off the Golden Keshik while the other Clusters of Epsilon Galaxy piled forward into Alpha Galaxy's withdrawing wall.[6][7] The Jaegers were at the rear of the Jade Falcon line, and Archer's Shrike was badly damaged by Clan Wolf-in-Exile's Omega Provisional Galaxy as they advanced. By the battle's end, he and Star Colonel Pryde were all that remained of the First Falcon Jaegers.[8]

Blood that Runs the Color of Jade[edit]

At a Clan Council held on 25 April 3151 in Unity City, Star Captain Pryde nominated his commanding officer, Khalus Pryde, for saKhan. The nomination was narrowly successful, and Khalus ascended to his new post under now-Khan Stephanie Chistu.[9][10]


Archer Pryde is known to have piloted a Shrike Prime named Toronado.[11]


One BloodRibbon[12] Clan Jade Falcon - Earned for participating in the ilClan Trial (17-19 April 3151) on Terra.[13]



  1. Honor's Gauntlet, p. 7
  2. Children of Kerensky, pp. 86–87
  3. 3.0 3.1 Honor's Gauntlet, p. 8
  4. Honor's Gauntlet, pp. 7–8
  5. Hour of the Wolf, pp. 267–269
  6. Hour of the Wolf, pp. 291–292
  7. IlClan, pp. 94–96
  8. Hour of the Wolf, pp. 315–316
  9. Hour of the Wolf, pp. 339, 341–344
  10. IlClan, p. 104
  11. Honor's Gauntlet, p. 14
  12. IlClan, p. 106
  13. Hour of the Wolf, pp. 291–292
