Annette McHenry

Annette McHenry
AffiliationRoyal Black Watch

Annette McHenry was the aide to the commanding officer of the Royal Black Watch Regiment as of 3062.[3]


Private McHenry, serving with the Command Lance of the Royal Black Watch Company, participated in the Battle of Huntress in 3060.[2] McHenry was one of only three Black Watch soldiers to survive the battle and returned to the Inner Sphere with the rank of major and was given temporary command of the unit in 3062.[1]

A daughter of a member of the Second Kearny Highlanders, McHenry initially expressed little interest in military service as a youth, instead deciding to run away and become a vagabond. By the time the Fourth Succession War broke out, McHenry was two years into a world-hopping tour and was shocked to hear word of the Northwind Highlanders' return to their ancestral home. Following the unit to Northwind, McHenry quickly fell in love with the world and was welcomed back as a prodigal daughter. Completely changed, McHenry joined the Northwind Military Academy, graduated into the Second Kearny Highlanders, and - after two decades of service - became a member of the Royal Black Watch.[1]

By 3067, McHenry still served as executive officer to Colonel Neil Campbell and was stationed on Orestes.[4]


Then-Private Annette McHenry piloted a Crab BattleMech during the fighting on Huntress.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: ComStar, p. 99: "Major Annette McHenry"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Twilight of the Clans, p. 26: "Scenario 5: The Boggarts Unmasked"
  3. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 100: "Royal Black Watch Regiment Unit Profile"
  4. Field Manual: Updates, p. 100: "Star League Defense Force Deployment Table"
