Aimee (Hanseatic League)

This article is about one of several characters named Aimee. For the others, see Aimee.

AffiliationClan Smoke Jaguar
Hanseatic League

Aimee was a member of Clan Smoke Jaguar who rose to senior rank in the armed forces of the Hanseatic Security Force.


After the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar at the hands of the Second Star League, the MechWarrior known as Aimee became a renegade, and at some point traveled to the Deep Periphery state known as the Hanseatic League. Aimee somehow gained the support of the Were family, a family of some influence within the League, and joined the Hanseatic Security Force or HSF, the military arm of the Hanseatic League.[1]

Under the auspices of the Were family, Aimee was able to rise through the ranks to the rank of major by 3064, becoming aide to the senior Captain-General of Regional Defense Force 5, one of six RDFs within the HSF. The Captain-General of RDF 5 in 3064 was a member of the Were family himself, Captain-General Jonas Were. RDF 5 was assigned to the anti-spinward border of the League, a quiet posting, and was constantly undersupplied by the worlds in the region, who frequently refused to provide the full tithe owed to support the RDF because they simply saw little reason to do so.[1]

According to the traditions of the HSF, Jonas Were was personally responsible for making up the shortfall between the supply needs of RDF 5 and the tithe from his own resources; however, Were wasn't doing this—in fact, rumors circulated within RDF 5 at the time echoed the belief that Jonas wasn't even passing the full tithe onto the unit, and was instead lining his own pockets with some of the money. Aimee found Jonas' conduct and poor performance to be abhorrent, but lacking political or financial influence—and being beholden to the Were family—was unable to change things or replace Jonas.[1]

Jonas' days as senior Captain-General of RDF 5 were numbered, however. Between 3064 and 3067 Captain-General Albert Snow, commanding officer of RDF 1 and cousin of the head of the Council of Merchants, the ruling body of the Hanseatic League, was promoted to command the entire HSF. One of Snow's actions after taking up command was to replace Jonas Were with Eloise Grady; Grady was partly a political figurehead, but the replacement of Were made it clear to everyone that Snow wouldn't broke dissent against his authority.[2]

With Jonas gone and Grady in post, Aimee was effectively the true power in control of RDF 5, responsible for managing the brigade as Snow increased the tempo of training for the HSF and began reorganizing more of the commands.[2] However, as Snow became more concerned with the threat from the Clans—possibly due in part due to a Clan Ice Hellion raid on Antwerp in 3073 that was fought off by RDF 2 at significant cost—he became a leading voice in demands for the Hansa to cease activities within Nueva Castile and conducted a sweep through the HSF, removing all former Clan personnel from the rolls.[3]

The most high-profile person to be removed from the HSF was Aimee, and her removal significantly damaged the reputation of the Were family.[3] After her dismissal it was believed that Aimee joined and quickly rose to command one such Clan group which then started to regularly raid the Hansa Worlds by 3076.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Field Manual: Periphery, p. 138: "Regional Defense Force 5"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Manual: Updates, p. 200: "Hanseatic League"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, p. 231: "Albert Snow"
  4. Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, p. 240: "Hanseatic Security Force"
