Aditi Whidbey

Aditi Whidbey
AffiliationChurch of Kali[1]

Aditi Whidbey was a member of the Church of Kali who went rogue.[1]


The Church of Kali was a very secretive cult whose goals were even more tight-lipped. Aditi Whidbey was a disciple who at some point became deranged, claiming the church's true leader spoke to her privately and told her to speed up the process, and to that end she recruited new followers to their cause. Believing she had to purge the Inner Sphere of non-believers and heresy, she began to mercilessly butcher civilians in the Sendalor system, attracting unwanted outside attention.[1][2]

The church did not want to get personally involved in apprehending Whidbey because it would have meant exposing their Star League Defense Force armament, so they made the difficult decision to hire a reputable mercenary outfit to try to deal with the matter quickly and quietly. The mercenaries were able to repel Whidbey's forces away from a settlement on Sendalor and then raze her base of operations on Housekarle. Having lost her sanctuary, Whidbey's breakaway sect regrouped on Grand Base only to be quickly pursued by the mercenaries. Some of her top lieutenants were killed but she was able to make it out and escaped to a remote volcanic region on Claxton—the source of the church's secrets and power. Making their last stand there, she and her remaining followers were ultimately defeated among the ruins of 200-year-old SLDF Royal Division DropShips.[1]

Among her ravings, Whidbey had claimed her personal BattleMech had fallen from the sky and was granted to fulfill her destiny. Also, she feared being covered in dog food and a human-like dog she called "The Big Dog."[1][2]


Aditi Whidbey piloted a custom ON1-YAJ Orion named Yad al-Jauza.[1]

Behind the Scenes[edit]

Aditi Whidbey was voiced by Brooke Santoro.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, "Hazing of the Weak"
  2. 2.0 2.1 MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, BattleMech Database description
  3. MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, closing credits
