Vishu Folkner

(Redirected from Vishnu Folkner)
Vishu Folkner
Born3001 or 3002[1]
AffiliationClan Jade Falcon
RankStar Admiral
ProfessionAerospace pilot
WarShip officer

Star Admiral Vishu Folkner commanded the Jade Falcon Naval Reserve from 3052 to at least 3067.[2][3][4][5]


Aerospace Fighter Pilot[edit]

Vishu was born in the Jade Falcon's Omega 5 orbital sibko, which produced many of that Clans best aerospace fighter pilots and WarShip officers. His early career was spent in aerospace fighters, where he was reputed to be one of the Falcon's greatest aces, being credited with more than ninety kills.

He earned his Folkner Bloodname at age twenty-eight, when he won a Trial of Bloodright, which he entered via being victorious in the Grand Melee.[2]

In 3035, Vishu was noted as suggesting Comitatus-class fighter carriers should be modified by adding additional fighter bays, in order to improve its ability to defend Jump Points. While many senior officers were skeptical, the idea was supported by then-saKhan Elias Crichell, and the first ships so revised successfully entered service in 3036.[6]

Before rising to command the Jade Falcon Naval Reserve, Vishnu Folkner served in Turkina Keshik.[4]

WarShip Officer[edit]

Following these successes, Vishu was assigned to WarShip training and took command of a troop transport named Turkina's Eyrie, after the Malthus Bloodname's fall from grace during the Clan Invasion.

By the Truce of Tukayyid, in 3052, Vishu had risen to assume command the Jade Falcon Naval Reserve.[2] While assignment to the Naval Reserve was not held in high regard, Vishu did his best to improve morale, including by rotating troops between rear-echelon and front line duties for his crews and encouraging raids against Clan Wolf, Clan Steel Viper and the Lyran Alliance.[4] He believed the Inner Sphere would not lag in deploying WarShips for long , and kept crews in top fighting form.[1] Vishu retained command of the Naval Reserve during the Refusal War and was still in command as of 3067.[5]

As Star Admiral, Vishu generally was generally patient and bided his time before striking his enemies.[4]


Vishu's initially piloted an Avar light OmniFighter. As a JumpShip officer, he captained the Turkina's Eyrie, before taking the Congress-class frigate CJF Green Lantern as his flagship once promoted to Star Admiral.[2]

Philosophical and/or political views[edit]

Vishu was a Crusader, who rejected the Truce of Tukayyid in principle and hoped to be part of a resumed invasion of the Inner Sphere once his Clan had recovered from its losses.[2] A contemporary of Khan Marthe Pryde, he shared many of her views, though he did object to her decision to return two Stars of Clan Snow Raven WarShips back to their owners.[4]


Vishu Folkner's name is sometimes spelled "Vishnu Folkner."


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 95: "Naval Assets"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 55: "Jade Falcon Naval Reserve"
  3. The Falcon and the Wolf, p. 49
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 99: "Turkina Keshik - Officers"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Field Manual: Updates, p. 72: "Command Assets"
  6. Technical Readout: 3057 (Revised), p. 114: "Comitatus"
