Light Gauss Rifle

(Redirected from Light Gauss)
Light Gauss Rifle.jpg
Light Gauss Rifle
Production information
Type Ballistic (Direct)
Tech Base Inner Sphere
Year Availability 3056[1][2]
Availability Ratings X[2]/X[2]/E[2]
Technical specifications
Heat 1[3]
Damage 8[3]
Minimum Range 3[3]
Short Range 1-8[3]
Medium Range 9-17[3]
Long Range 18-25[3]
Tons 12[3]
Critical Slots 5[3]
Ammo Per Ton 16[3]
Cost (unloaded) 275,000[2]
Ammo Cost (per ton) 20,000
BV (2.0) 159[4]


The Light Gauss Rifle was introduced in 3056 by the Free Worlds League. It functions identically to a Gauss rifle, electromagnetically accelerating a slug to high speeds to cause massive damage at long range. As its name suggests, however, the Light Gauss Rifle is designed to be more compact, allowing Gauss Rifles to be mounted on smaller combat units. The slug and damage caused by the miniaturized rifle decreased in size, though the rifle is able to propel the smaller slug farther. Also similar to a standard Gauss Rifle, a Light Gauss Rifle that is struck with a critical hit releases its stored energy and damages the unit it is mounted in, though the Light Gauss Rifle deals less damage corresponding to its lesser size.[1][5]


The Light Gauss Rifle is manufactured on the following planets:

Corean Light Gauss Rifle[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Terra Skobel MechWorks Vanquisher Thunder Fox [6] [7]
Hesperus II Defiance Industries Thunder Fox [7]
New Samarkand Luthien Armor Works Thunder Fox [7]
Arc-Royal Arc-Royal MechWorks Mangonel [8]

Imperator Light Gauss Rifle[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Ruchbah Michaelson Heavy Industries Hawk Moth [9]
Northwind Cosara Weaponries Black Watch [10]
Keystone Earthwerks Incorporated Thunderbolt [11]

Imperator Type II[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Irian Brooks Incorporated Main Gauche [12]

Krupp Strumfurer[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Terra Skobel MechWorks Grand Crusader [13]


  1. 1.0 1.1 TechManual, p. 219, "Light Gauss Rifle"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 TechManual, p. 290, "Heavy Weapons And Equipment Table"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 TechManual, p. 341, "Inner Sphere Heavy Weapons And Equipment Table"
  4. TechManual, p. 317, "Inner Sphere Weapons and Equipment BV Table"
  5. Field Manual: Free Worlds League, p. 139, "Light Gauss Rifle"
  6. Technical Readout: 3067, p. 102
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Technical Readout: 3085, p. 86
  8. Technical Readout: 3085, p. 96
  9. Technical Readout: 3060 Revised, p. 14
  10. Technical Readout: 3060 Revised, p. 120
  11. Technical Readout: Project Phoenix, p. 42
  12. Technical Readout: 3067, p. 10, "Main Gauche"
  13. Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, p. 100
